Small Group Bible Study Guides
Click on one of the links below to download a Bible study guide.
Acts Philippians Jude and 2 Peter
Romans 1 & 2 Thessalonians 1, 2, & 3 John
Copyright © This material is provided free of charge for your personal study, or for you to use in your church or in small groups that you lead. It may not be reprinted for commercial publication. It may be copied or reprinted for distribution as long as it is given away and no charge is made other than reimbursement for the actual cost of reproduction.
About the author
The author of these studies is a graduate of Dallas Theological Seminary, where he received the Th.M. degree with honors and the Edwin C. Deibler award in historical theology. He has many years of experience with small groups, in parachurch ministry and as a church planter and pastor.
Responses to these studies
“I just wanted to thank you for your bible study materials. I found your Faith Foundations study on the book of Romans and have been using it for a high school Bible study. It is a great help - not only in teaching the class, but for my own personal walk with Christ.”
“I have been using your bible studies on the Book of John for several weeks in a small home group. It has been truly amazing and everyone has very much enjoyed it.”
“Just wanted to drop a note of appreciation for the study guide on Romans. I'm using it in Sunday School to take our class through it and really appreciate the "Red Meat" that this study helps us discover. Even though it will take some time to get through this Romans course, I'm looking very forward to other studies.”
“I just wanted to express my sincere gratitude for the Bible Studies on the books of "John" and "Romans" made available on your website. . . . You could not imagine how much they have helped me both in my own understanding and in instructing my groups.”
just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate your Romans Bible Study. . .
[M]y Thursday morning men's fellowship has been going through the study for the
past several months. It has been one of the best Bible studies that I have ever
gone through. It has spurred me on to a much deeper spiritual understanding of
God's will for my life. Several of the other men in my group have also
expressed similar opinions. Your study guide requires digging into the Word and
provides very good commentary.”